Friday, September 3, 2010

Kimono Kids

I got this new SU stamp set especially for Lauren because she loves anything oriental. I wasn't real sure what colors to use as there were several to choose from. After using yellows and greens, I wish I had chosen others so I wonder what color combo would you use for this set? I would like to make 8 - 10 cards and want to use different color combos for each so any suggestions would be welcomed.

I hope everyone in blog land is doing well. Just maybe (keyword maybe) I can finally get motivated to post more often, at least that is my fall goal.



  1. Wow this is really cute! You know I would do purple and black lol but I guess that's not very oriental now is it.

  2. Love the green and yellow, so pretty Cindy. I would also do orange and red, orange and pink, turquoise and yellow, and red and black. I've seen some kimonos in those colors. Your card looks amazing, I bet your dd Lauren will love it.

  3. This is adorable! I would try red, black, and orange.

  4. This is really nice. I think the green and yellow looks great, but personally I probably would have done red black and maybe yellow or pink
